Companies Known for Asbestos
Asbestos companies had knowledge of the dangers of asbestos, but used it anyway.
For decades, companies have produced, used or distributed products with asbestos. Despite the known health risks, many of these asbestos companies continued to manufacture asbestos-containing products, prioritizing profits over the well-being of workers and the public.
Asbestos companies knowingly put people at risk.
The history of asbestos use is a testament to corporate negligence. Asbestos mining began in 1878 and gained popularity across various industries. Health issues among asbestos workers emerged in the early 1900s but were ignored by many companies.
The first study linking asbestos to lung disease was published in the 1920s, but companies continued its use without proper protection. Asbestos reached its peak during World War II and continued until the 1970s in construction, automotive, military, and shipbuilding.
Legal action against asbestos companies began in 1971, and various legislation restricting its use followed. Today, asbestos remains regulated but not fully banned, with ongoing lawsuits and compensation funds for mesothelioma victims and their families.
Our mission at ELSM Law is to help victims of asbestos exposure get the justice they deserve.
List of Asbestos Companies
The following list of companies have been named in asbestos lawsuits over the past few decades. These companies either manufactured or distributed asbestos-containing products in the United States.
If you worked for or at any of these companies, you may have been exposed to asbestos. If you were exposed to asbestos while working for them or with their products, you may have an elevated risk to develop the asbestos-related cancer called mesothelioma.
Currently the majority of asbestos companies on this list are still in operation today.
- A.O. Smith Corp.
- A.W. Chesterton Company
- Abbett Electric Corp.
- Abco Welding Supply
- Abex Corp.
- ABF Freight
- Able Industries
- Acadiana Rubber & Gasket
- Acme Insulations
- Actuant Corp.
- ADC Supply Corp.
- Advance Auto Parts
- Advocate Mines
- Aero Jet
- Afton Pumps
- AK Steel Corp.
- Albany Felt Company
- Alcoa Inc.
- Alfa Laval
- Allied Building Products Corp.
- Allied Glove Corp.
- Allied Paper Incorporated
- Allied Signal
- Alpha Wire Corp.
- Amatek
- Amber Supply Co.
- Amchem/American Chemical
- Amcord
- American Airlines
- American Biltrite
- American Brake Shoe Co.
- American Crystal Sugar Co.
- American Cyanamid
- American Electric Power
- American Foreign Steamship
- American Home Products
- American Honda Corp.
- American Insulated Wire
- American International Co.
- American Olean Tile Co.
- American Optical Company
- American Saturated Felt
- American Standard
- Anchor Packing Co
- Anco Insulation
- Anheuser Busch
- API Heat Transfer
- Aqua Chem
- Argo International Corp.
- Armstrong International
- Ashland Specialty Chemical
- Astra Flooring Company
- AT&T Corp.
- Atlantic Richfield Company
- Atlas Electric Supply Co.
- Atlas Heating and Ventilating
- Atlas Turner
- Attransco Ship Management
- Aurora Pump Company
- Auto Barn Stores
- Automatic TLC Fuel Oil
- Autozone Inc.
- AVCO Corp.
- Aventis Cropscience USA Inc.
- Avocet Enterprises
- Avondale Industries Inc.
- Badger Metals Inc.
- Baker Hughes Oilfield
- Bakers Pride Oven Co.
- Baldor Electric Company
- Barko Hydraulics, Llc
- Bath Iron Works
- Bay Oil Company
- Bayer Corp.
- Bayonne Plumbing Supply
- Beadex
- Bear Stearns Companies
- Bechtel Corp.
- Beckett Corp.
- Beech Aircraft Corp.
- Belden Wire and Cable Co.
- Bell & Gossett Company
- Bell Asbestos Mines Ltd.
- Bell Atlantic Corp.
- Bendix Corp. fka AlliedSignal
- Bergen Tile & Linoleum Co.
- Best Manufacturing Co.
- Bestobell Steam Traps
- Bethlehem Apparatus
- BF Goodrich Company
- BHP Copper
- Biltrite Corp., The
- Bird Incorporated
- Blackman Plumbing Supply
- BMW of North America, Llc
- BNSF Railway Company
- Boeing Company, The
- Bohn Aluminum
- Boise Cascade Corp.
- Borg Warner Automotive
- Bostik
- BP Amoco
- Brauer Supply Company
- Bridgestone Tire Co.
- British Airways Plc
- Bryan Steam Corp.
- Buffalo Air Handling
- Buffalo Pumps
- Burnham Corp.
- Burns International Services
- Byron Jackson Pumps
- California Portland Cement
- Camden Flooring Company
- Canteen Corp.
- Capital Gypsum
- Carboline Company
- Carborundum Company
- Carey Canada Mines
- Carlisle Companies Inc.
- Carrier Corp.
- Carver Pump Company
- Caterpillar
- CBS Corp.
- Central Hudson Gas & Electric
- Central Jersey Supply
- Central Pipe Supply
- Central Power & Light
- Cessna Aircraft Company
- Champion Friction Co.
- Chemrex
- Chevron Corp.
- Chevron Shipping Co.
- Chicago Bridge & Iron
- Chicago Fire Brick
- Chicago Pneumatic
- Chiquita Brands International
- Ciba-Geigy Corp.
- Cilco Energy Corp.
- Clarage Fan Company
- Cleaver Brooks Co.
- Colonial Sugar & Refining
- Coltec Industries
- Columbia Acoustics
- Columbia Boiler Co.
- Columbia Pictures Industries
- Comet Auto Supply
- Commonwealth Edison
- Compudyne Corp.
- Conagra Foods
- Conair Corp.
- Connecticut Light & Power
- Consolidated Edison of NY
- Consolidated Insulation
- Consolidated Rail Corp.
- Conval
- Conwed Corp.
- Cooper Industries
- Cooper Tire & Rubber
- Cooper-Standard Automotive
- Courter & Company
- Crane Company
- Crescent Electric Supply
- Crocker-Wheeler Company
- Crosby Valve
- Crown Boiler Co.
- Crown, Cork & Seal Company
- CSR Limited
- CSX Transportation Inc.
- Custom Building Products
- Cutler-Hammer
- Cypress Plumbing & Heating
- Cyprus Amax Minerals Co.
- DAL-Tile International
- Dana Holding Corp.
- DB Riley
- Dean Pump Division
- Deere & Company
- DeKalb Tile Company
- Delaval Steam Turbine
- Dereco Inc.
- Detroit Stoker Company
- Diamond National Corp.
- Dole Foods
- Domco Products Texas, L.P.
- Donald Durham Company
- Donaldson Acoustics Co.
- Donlee Technologies
- Douglass Insulation
- Dow Chemical Company
- Dowman Products
- Dresser-Rand
- Duke Power Energy Carolinas
- Dunkirk
- Dupont
- Durametallic Corp.
- Durfee Hardware
- Dynamic Seals
- E&B Mill Supply
- East Kentucky Power Cooperative
- Eastern Refractories Co.
- Eastman Kodak Company
- Eaton Electrical Inc.
- Eckel Industries
- Edward Valves
- EI Dupont de Nemours
- Electric Boat Corp.
- Electrolux
- Eli Lilly and Company
- Elliott Turbomachinery Co.
- Elm Supply CoInc.
- Empire Ace Insulation Mfg.
- Enpro Industries
- Equistar Chemicals, LP
- Equitable Company, The
- Ericcson
- Essex Plumbing Supply
- Essex Wire Corp.
- Evcon Industries
- Expo Industries
- Exxon Mobil Corp.
- Fairbanks Morse Pump Corp.
- Fairchild Corp.
- Falk Corp., The
- Farrell Lines
- Federal Boiler Company
- Feldman Lumber Industries
- Fel-Pro
- Felt Products Mfg. Co.
- Fiat USA
- First Hartford Corp.
- FirstEnergy Corp.
- Fisher Scientific Company
- Fitzgibbons Boiler Company
- Flowserve US
- Fluor Enterprises
- FMC Corp.
- Ford Motor Company
- Foseco
- Foster Valve Company
- Foster Wheeler Corp.
- Fraser's Boiler Service
- Friction Materials
- Fulton Boiler Works
- G&G Seal Co.
- Gage Company, The
- Gardner Denver
- Garson Plumbing Supplies
- General Cable Corp.
- General Dynamics Corp.
- General Electric Company
- General Motors
- General Refractories Co.
- George A. Fuller Company
- Goodall Rubber Company
- Goodrich Corp.
- Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co.
- Gould's Pumps, Incorporated
- Graham Corp.
- Granite Construction Co.
- Granite Rock Company
- Grant Wilson
- Graphic Construction Corp.
- Graves Automotive Supply
- Graybar Electric Company
- Grinnell Corp.
- Grossman's Lumber
- Gulf Oil Limited Partnership
- H.B. Fuller Company
- H.B. Smith Company
- Handy Auto Supply Co.
- Hanson Permanente Cement
- Harley-Davidson
- Heating Oil Partners, LP
- Hedman Mines, Ltd.
- Henry Vogt Machine Co.
- Highland Stucco
- Hill Brothers Chemical Co.
- Hirsch Pipe & Supply Co.
- Holland Furnace
- Hollinger Company
- Hollingsworth & Vose Co.
- Homasote Company
- Honeywell International
- Hopeman Brothers
- Hudson Heating
- Hudson Iron and Metal Co.
- Hunt Construction
- ICI Composites
- IMO Industries
- Industrial Holdings Corp.
- Industrial Insulation
- Industrial Welding Supply
- Insulation Supply Corp.
- International Harvester
- International Paper Company
- Invensys Systems
- ITT Corp.
- ITT Fluid Products Corp.
- ITT Grinell Corp.
- ITT Hoffman
- ITT Sheraton Corp.
- J.A. Sexauer
- J.C. Whitney & Co.
- J.H. France Refractories Co.
- Jacuzzi Brothers
- Jamaica Plumbing & Heating
- Janos Asbestos Company
- Jaquays Asbestos
- John Bryant Motors
- John Crane, Inc.,
- John Deere Company
- Johnson Controls
- Johnson & Johnson
- Joy Global Inc.
- Kaiser Gypsum
- Kaiser Refractories
- Kamco Supply Corp.
- Karnak Corp.
- Keeler Dorr Oliver Boiler
- Kelly Moore Paint
- Kennecott Corp.
- Kerite Company
- Keyspan Energy Corp.
- Kimberly-Clark Scott Corp.
- Klauser Supply Co.
- Kohler Company
- Koppers Company
- L&M Surco Mfg.
- Leonnox International
- Liberty Plumbing & Heating
- Lincoln Electric Company
- Linstedt Oil Company
- Lloyd Lumber Co.
- Lockheed Martin Corp.
- Lockheed Shipbuilding
- Loews Corp.
- Long Island Lighting Co.
- Long Island Railroad
- Lorillard Tobacco Company
- Louisiana Sugar Cane
- Lucent Technologies
- Lufkin Industries
- Lykes Bros Steamship Co.
- M.H. Detrick Company
- Mac Products Inc.
- MacArthur Company
- Mack Trucks
- Magnaflux Corp.
- Magnatrol Valve Corp.
- Mann Packing Co.
- Manning Paper Company
- Mansfield Plumbing Products
- Marathon Oil Corp.
- Marine Transport Lines
- Markey Machinery Co.
- Marley Cooling Technologies
- Marlo Sealing Company
- Maroney Industrial
- Marquette Insulation
- Marsam Valves & Fittings
- Mazda North America
- Mcdonnell Douglas Corp.
- Mclaughlin Insulation Co.
- Mcmaster-Carr Supply
- Mercedes Benz USA
- Metalclad Insulation
- Metro Fuel Oil Corp.
- Metro-North Railroad
- Metropolitan Life Insurance
- Michelin North America
- Mikes Auto Parts Inc.
- Milchem
- Miller Brewing Company
- Milwaukee Valve Company
- Mine Safety Appliances Co.
- Minnesota Mining & Manufacturing 3M
- Mitsubishi
- Monsanto Company
- Moog Automotive
- Moore Dry Dock Company
- Morse Diesel International
- Mount Vernon Mills
- Murco Wall Products
- Nagle Pump
- Nassau Valley & Supply Corp.
- National Automotive Parts
- National Bulk Carriers
- National Steel And Shipbuilding Company
- Navistar International Transportation Corp.
- New England Insulation Co.
- New England Telephone
- New Jersey Plumbing Supply
- New Jersey Transit
- New York Plaza Building Co.
- New York Power Authority
- New York Presbyterian Hospital
- Newport News Shipbuilding
- Niagara Insulations
- Niagara Mohawk Power
- Niantic Seal Inc.
- Nissan Corp.
- Norfolk Southern Railway Co.
- Northrop Grumman Ship Systems
- Northwest Pipeline Corp.
- Novartis Corp.
- Nutley Heating & Cooling Company
- Occidental Chemical Corp.
- Office Max Incorporated
- Oglebay-Norton Company
- Okonite Company
- Olin Chemical Corp.
- Oshkosh Truck Corp.
- OSI Sealants
- Osram Sylvania
- Otis Elevator Company
- P&H Mining Equipment
- Pabst Brewing Company
- Pabst Electric Company
- Pacific Bell Telephone
- Pacific Steel Boiler Corp.
- Packings and Insulation
- Parker Sacomo
- Parker
- Hannifin Corp.
- Patterson Pump Company
- Pecora Corp.
- Peerless Heater Co.
- Penn Central Corp.
- Pentair Pump Group
- Pentair
- Pep Boys
- Peterbilt Motors Company
- Peugeot Motor Company
- Pfaudler
- Pfizer
- Pharmacia Corp.
- Phelps Dodge Industries
- Philips Electronics
- Phillip Brothers
- Phillips Petroleum Company
- Pittsburgh Gage & Supply
- Pittsburgh Metals Purifying
- Pittsfield Pipers
- Plastics Engineering Corp.
- Polar Tankers
- Polytherm Insulation Corp
- Port Authority of New York
- Potomac Electric Company
- Power Piping Company
- PPG Industries
- Pratt & Whitney
- Preferred Utilities
- Procter & Gamble
- Proko Industries Inc.
- Pryor Giggey
- Qualitex Company
- Quiet Automatic Burner
- Quintec Industries
- R.R. Donnelley & Sons
- R.T. Vanderbilt Company
- R.W. Beckett Corp.
- Radiator Specialty Co
- Railroad Friction Products
- Raritan Supply Company
- Raymond Corp., The
- Record Industrial Company
- Red Seal Electric Company
- Reilly-Benton
- Renault
- Reynolds Aluminum
- Reynolds Metals Company
- Rheem Manufacturing Co.
- Riley Power Inc.
- Riley Stoker Corp.
- Robert A. Keasbey Co.
- Rockbestos Company
- Rockwell Automation Inc.
- Roe Fire and Safety
- Rohm and Haas Company
- Rolls-Royce Corp.
- Rome Cable
- Rutland Fire Clay Company
- Safety & Supply Company
- Safety-Kleen Systems
- Saint-Gobain Abrasives, Inc
- Saks Fifth Avenue
- San Joaquin Lumber
- Sarco Company
- Schad Boiler Setting Co.
- Sealing Equipment Products
- Sealite
- Sears, Roebuck and Company
- Shell Oil Company
- Sheraton Corp.
- Sherwin Williams Company
- Sherwood Davis Geck
- Shipley Oil Co.
- Sid Harvey Industries
- Siemens Energy
- Simpson Timber Company
- Sloan Valve Company
- Solco Plumbing Supply Inc.
- South Amboy Plumbing
- Southern California Edison
- Southern California Gas Co.
- Specialty Cable Corp.
- Spencer Turbine Company
- Spirax Sarco, Inc.
- Sportan Valve Company
- Sprague Energy Corp.
- Sprinkmann Sons Corp.
- SPX Cooling Technologies
- Staley Elevator Co.
- Standard Motor Products
- Standard Tile Corp.
- Standard-Knapp
- Sterling Fluid Systems
- Sterling Plastics and Rubber
- Stone and Webster
- Straham Valves
- Stroh Brewery Company
- Subaru of America
- Sulzer Bingham Pumps
- Sun Chemical
- Sun Ship, LLC
- Sunoco, Inc.
- Superior Boiler Company
- Superior Welding Company
- Sure Seal Products Co.
- Surface Combustion
- Syd Carpenter
- Syracuse Supply Company
- Taco
- Tarkett Floor Company
- Taylor Insulation Co.
- Tecumseh Products
- Teknor Apex Rubber Co.
- Terex Cranes Wilmington, Inc.
- Texaco Inc.
- Texaco Marine Services
- Texas City Terminal Railway
- TFI Building Materials
- Thermo Electric Company
- Thermwell Products Co.
- Tishman Construction Corp.
- Todd Combustion Inc.
- Todd Shipyards Corp.
- Torno Lumber
- Toro Company
- Tosco Corp.
- Toyota Motors
- Trans World Airlines
- Transco Inc.
- Treadwell Corp.
- Triangle Insulation
- Triangle Sheet Metal Workers
- Trilco Lumber Company
- Triple A Machine Shop
- Triplex
- Troy Boiler Works
- Truck and Auto Supply
- True Value
- Truserv Corp.
- TXU Electric Company
- Tyco International
- U.S. Filter
- U.S. Plywood Corp.
- U.S. Radiator
- Union Boiler Company
- Union Carbide Corp.
- Union Pacific Railroad
- Union Pump Company
- Uniroyal Holding
- United Brass Works
- United Fruit Company
- United Gilsonite Laboratories
- United States Steel Corp.
- United Technologies Corp.
- Unocal Corp.
- Utica Boiler Cos., The
- Utility Manufacturing Co.
- Valspar Corp.
- Velan Steam Trap Corp.
- Vellumoid
- Viacom, Inc.
- Viad Corp.
- Viking Pump
- Volkswagen Corp.
- W.W. Grainger
- Waldron Duffy
- Wal-Rich Corp.
- Warner-Lambert Company
- Warren Pumps, Inc.
- Webster Plumbing Supply
- Weil-McLain Co.
- Weir Valves & Controls USA
- Welco Manufacturing
- Wesco Distribution Inc.
- Western Auto Supply Co.
- Western Electric Company
- Westinghouse Electric Corp.
- Weyerhaeuser Company
- Whirlpool Corp.
- Wickes Boiler
- Wisconsin Energy
- Woolsulate Corp.
- Worthington Corp.
- Xcel Energy
- Xerox Corp.
- Yale Materials Handling Corp.
- Yamaha Motor Corp., USA
- York International Corp.
- Zurn Industries, Inc.
Frequently Asked Questions
Which companies used asbestos in products?
Numerous companies used asbestos in their products, especially during the peak period of asbestos use after WWII. These companies were involved in industries such as construction, insulation, automotive manufacturing, shipbuilding and more, where asbestos was commonly used for its heat resistance and insulating properties.
What legal actions can be taken against asbestos companies?
Taking legal action against asbestos companies involves filing personal injury claims, wrongful death lawsuits, or seeking compensation through asbestos trust funds. If you receive a diagnosis of an asbestos-related disease like mesothelioma or lung cancer, you should contact an asbestos attorney.
How can I determine if an asbestos company is responsible for my asbestos-related illness?
To determine if an asbestos company is responsible for your asbestos-related illness, you should consult an experienced asbestos attorney. An attorney can who can evaluate your case, help you collect necessary evidence, and guide you through filing a lawsuit or claim against the responsible company.
Can I still take legal action against asbestos companies if they have filed for bankruptcy?
Even if an asbestos company has filed for bankruptcy, you can still pursue compensation through asbestos trust funds established as part of their bankruptcy proceedings. It’s important to work with an experienced asbestos attorney who can navigate the complex process of filing a claim with these funds.
Request a Free Case Evaluation
Request a free case evaluation now if you or someone you love has been diagnosed with mesothelioma. The evaluation will cost you nothing. Our lawyers will travel to visit you at your convenience or conference call with you over the phone. We understand how difficult a time this is for you and will assist in any way that we can. You can also call us toll-free at 1-800-336-0086 at any time.

The jury awards and settlements we have received for our clients are among the highest in the country.
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Talc Powder User
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